
Knighton has been known as a church where the Bible is preached clearly and relevantly for over half a century now and there’s one very simple reason, we want to know and enjoy God more and more.

Nothing could be better than enjoying a relationship with the God who made the universe and everything in it. Knighton is simply a group of people who believe that Jesus Christ has made that possible. And we don’t want to keep this to ourselves.

We are a family church with wide ranging activities designed to cater for all ages. From small babies to those who want to keep their age a secret!

Most live locally but some travel from all over Leicestershire. We’d love to welcome you for a visit perhaps on a Sunday and who knows, maybe you’ll join our growing family.

The origins of Knighton stretch back more than fifty years. However, we are not a church obsessed by the past. We live to glorify God today. Below are some of our distinctives.

A Christian church

Many people feel that the days have gone when Christians could claim that Christ is the only Saviour. We respect people of other faiths and have no desire to force our beliefs upon them. However, we are convinced that in Jesus Christ, God uniquely became a man, died on the cross for the forgiveness and salvation of all those who will believe in him, and rose from the dead, assuring people of eternal life. Therefore we are not ashamed to call people from every nation to worship only Christ.

An evangelical church

We are convinced that, as the word of God, the Bible is the only reliable guide to help us to understand God and his purpose for us. The church is therefore committed to learning from the Christian Scriptures and applying what we learn to our lives. We also delight in the fact that on the cross Christ died for sins once for all. So in Him all the sin and the guilt and the shame is gone. Instead we can know the smile of our Heavenly Father and keep in step with His Spirit.

An independent church

Knighton has no authoritative body beyond the local congregation. That does not mean that we are isolationist. In fact, we enjoy warm relationships with many City churches that hold firmly to the central doctrines of the Christian faith. To that end we are affiliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) and are members of the Evangelical Alliance (EA). To be associated with Independence does mean that the church members are ultimately responsible for the whole work of the church. This is both a privilege and a responsibility.


Read our Basis of Faith.